
Sweet Smelling Hands

"Here's my tip for removing the smell of fish, onions, garlic, even the smell from the garbage bag when it's leaked! Get a piece of cheesecloth and put a couple of tablespoons of coffee beans in the center and tie with string. After washing hands, just rub it all over your hands. It works every time! Another trick is to rub hands all over a piece of stainless steel." "My favorite and reliable remedy for removing the garlic smell or the prawn smell is to rub a teaspoon full of sugar into your hand. Add a couple of drops of water to make it stick & rub vigorously. Make sure you rinse well in warm water paying particular attention to under your nails as the crystals will stick down there. It works every time, odors disappear instantly." "To remove the odor of onion, bleach and laundry detergents from your skin, rinse with white vinegar." to get the fish smell off of our hands, we use vanilla extract or vanilla scented hand lotion." Love this tip!!

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